Hello! I'm Yousef

And the purpose of this website is to showcase my skills in Data Analysis and Web Development


I have completed several projects in different environments to showcase my skills and flexibility. The code is hosted on my Github profile and I will constantly update the portfolio as I complete more projects.


Web Scraping

Data Scraping

Acquired data related to houses for sale/rent by scraping a well known local website where I live. The data was related to price, size, number of rooms, and address of the property. The data can be exported to an excel file once the script is run. Both Selenium and BeautifulSoup4 were used.

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Sea Level Predictor

Sea level rise

Analyzed a dataset of the global average sea level change since 1880. Then used the data to predict the sea level change through year 2050.

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Demographic Data Analyzer


In this project I analyzed demographic data using Pandas. I had access to a dataset of demographic data that was extracted from the 1994 Census database. I used pandas to identify patterns and answer some questions.

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Analysis of page visits

Website visits

For this project I visualized time series data using a line chart, bar chart, and box plots. I used Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn to visualize a dataset containing the number of page views each day on the freeCodeCamp.org forum from 2016-05-09 to 2019-12-03. The data visualizations helped me understand the patterns in visits and identify yearly and monthly growth.

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Medical Data Visualizer

Medical data research

In this project, I visualized and made calculations from medical examination data using matplotlib, seaborn, and pandas. The dataset values were collected during medical examinations.

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Movie Data Analysis

Movie theatre

In this project, I cleaned a large database of movie data spanning from 1980 to 2020 and checked for different correlations along the different characteristics of the movies. I also visualized some of that data using matplotlib and seaborn.

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Covid Data Analysis

COVID data analysis

In this project, I analyzed worldwide covid related data regarding deaths and vaccinations using SQL. I explored various different functions to demonstrate my SQL skills. I also created some views to use in Tableau to create visualizations.

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Data cleaning

Data cleaning photo

In this project, I accessed data regarding housing in Nashville, USA and examined it. The data was in need of cleaning in terms of removing or populating null values, the creation of new columns, categorizing the data amongst other requirements.

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Apartment Hunting App

Data Scraping

The Apartment Hunting App has now reached 250+ unique visitors!

This App acts as a complete dashboard for finding apartments in the Debrecen area. It scrapes data from the most popular real estate websites in Hungary and displays it in a user-friendly manner. The user can filter the data by price, number of rooms, and location. The App also predicts the price of an apartment depending on the size and number of rooms. The App is written in Python and uses the Streamlit library.

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I hold a Mechatronics Engineering BSc degree and an Engineering Management MSc degree. I have a passion for Data and visualizations, and am eager to continue my journey and expand my experience.


Feel free to contact me through email below or send me a message on LinkedIn if you have any questions or opportunities.